Council Building & Room Hire

Denby Dale’s Parish Council Building is a hub for community activities and this was clearly demonstrated at the Open Day on November 12th 2016 (mainly organised by the Friends of Skelmanthorpe Community Library).  The event was supported by displays by numerous organisations and groups, many of which hold meetings in the newly refurbished Parish Council Building (a grant from Kirklees’ Rural District Committee paid for our new windows).  The library was open, and many visitors who were not regular borrowers took advantage of the opportunity to look around. 

Organisations who took part, in addition to the Library Friends and the Parish Council, included Dave Wilde, the full-time Countryside Officer who liaises with and advises community and special interest groups in the Denby Dale ward, U3A (the University of the Third Age, who hope to set up a group in the area), and representatives of the Skelmanthorpe Textile Heritage Centre.  Friends of Churchfield were also present, as were the Denby Dale Walkers are Welcome Group.  The Craft Group who meet regularly in the building, and the Popular Science Reading Group were also ‘on parade’.  The Skelmanthorpe Local History Group also had a fascinating display which attracted great interest.

Room Booking Charges in the Community Building

Now that the building is managed and run by the Parish Council, the rooms can be hired for regular and occasional meetings for a reasonable fee. The Council Chambers and the IT Suite both have a maximum capacity of 40 people. For availability, see our Calendar page.

£28.50 per session (a session is a 4 hour period)

£16.00 concession (charities/educational…)

£32.00 Full day rate 9am -5pm

Part session i.e. 1 hour pay for 1 full session of £16

For constituted group block bookings, a 15% reduction for 4 calendar months can be applied.

For new adult craft and children’s groups, the first 3 meetings will be at no charge, and the charge thereafter to be £16.00.

Please see our Covid Risk Assessment for all users of the building to read and sign.