Denby and Cumberworth

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Denby Dale

‘The Pie Village’ is a large settlement with pubs, restaurants and a range of shops including a mill shop. Information about the famous Denby Dale Pies is available at the Pie Hall. A local landmark is the impressive Denby Dale viaduct. The Penistone Line Railway stops here with bus connections at the local transport interchange.

Upper Cumberworth

A rural village with a pub, a church and a shop. Upper Cumberworth is a Conservation Area and the local woodlands are managed by the Upper Dearne Woodlands Conservation Group.

Lower Cumberworth

Lower Cumberworth is located next to Upper Cumberworth, and is adjacent to rolling green countryside. There is a pub and a cricket club.

Upper Denby

Largely stone-built, attractive country settlement of farm groups and terraced houses dating from the mid 18th and 19th centuries, Upper Denby is a Conservation Area. There is a prominent church, a school at the edge of the village, a pub and a cricket pitch.


Birdsedge is a pleasant rural village located next to the hamlet of High Flatts. There is a school, a village hall, a Wesleyan Reform Church, a Friends Meeting House and a farm shop.

High Flatts

A tiny, delightful country settlement, High Flatts is a Conservation Area. It consists of stone houses and farm buildings around the Quaker Meeting House with a small stone-setted square.